About Us

Soulmate SOS is the result of 35 years of marriage with my Soulmate.  We were married in 1984 and lived for 20 years at what we both thought was a happier state than most.  But after the next 5 years, we reached a point of desperation that I could no longer accept and I left our marriage. 

Unlike most couples who separate, we could not just completely cut off our relationship.  We have 2 cognitively disabled sons who required us to maintain contact and interact.

After more than a year of separation, we were humbled and more alone than we'd ever been before.  My continued engagement with our sons forced us to interact regularly.  Soon we realized we still loved each other but were aware we could no longer put our relationship on autopilot!

We came back together in 2009 and this website and the information contained here are a direct result of our journey into higher levels of connection physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!

 We're happy to have you and look forward to sharing our lives with you!

Colin & Gille Forbes


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Watch the video NOW!

This video reveals the 7 critical steps to evolving into higher levels of Soulmate connection!